New Australian Mesothelioma Registry

The Australian Mesothelioma Registry released its first data report on the 13th of September. The new report includes information on 612 mesothelioma cases diagnosed during 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2011, notified to the registry up to 31 August 2012. Representing a rate of 2.7 per 100,000 population. This is considered by the registry to be an underestimate of the total number of people diagnosed in 2011.

  • Men accounted for 84.5 per cent of notified cases and 78.8 per cent of people were aged 65 years or over at diagnosis.
  • The most common subtype of mesothelioma was epithelioid subtype (44.1%) and the most common location was the pleura (92.3%)
  • As at 31 August 2012, there had been 310 deaths of people diagnosed in 2011, 50.7%
  • The job type with the highest exposure likelihood was construction and building trades, followed by electrical and related trades.
  • The most common circumstance of non?occupational exposure was home renovation?related activities followed by car maintenance.
  • Of the 87 patients for whom asbestos exposure was assessed:
    • six were assessed as having neither occupational nor non?occupational exposure
    • 14 were assessed as having occupational exposure/s only
    • 35 were assessed as having both occupational and non?occupational exposures  
    • 32 were assessed as having non?occupational exposure/s only.
The report can be downloaded from the AMR website.